Ruju el-al Qur’an Public address programs held in different regions


Ruju el-al Qur’an Public address programs held in different regions
Nagpur – According to “No one knows this secret that a true believer appears a reciter but is a Qur’an itself”, from birth to death, all the matters of our life should be according to the Qur’an. The Qur’an is the scale for testing good and bad.
We should take stock of our heart as per the Qur’an. We should look at practical life. At this time we need to turn to the Qur’an! Allah has a relationship with us like the Qur’an, this relationship is similar to what Hazrat Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him) had shown in his own life, he had set examples of humanity and social welfare.

These views were expressed by the Mufti and Qazi of Aurangabad, Abdul Qavi Falahi in the program of Nagpur West Jama’at in Chopde Lawn of Avasthi Chowk. He said that it is astonishing on race that it has been groomed in an environment sans teachings of Qur’an.

Expressing their views, Mufti Muhammed Arif Qasmi, Imam of Mominpura Jam’a Masjid and Muhammed Shoaib Qasmi of Kamthi said that according to the Quran, our role model is nothing but Hazrat Muhammed(peace and blessings be upon him). Youngsters are wasting their time by keeping awake till late at night indulging in mobile and other activities against the teachings of Qur’an. During this campaign, prizes were given for the best activities of the children. Shakeel Ahmed rendered a beautiful Hamd(Praise to Allah), Mushtaque Ahsan recited Na’at(poetry in praise of the prophet Muhammed(peace and blessings be upon him)) and Shayan, Atif, Affan Khan recited poem on the Plea of Qur’an.

The Secretary of Islamic society department expressed vote of thanks. Ghulam Sayeden Rabbani conducted the program.
Central Women’s Department organized GIO public address at Falah Auditorium of ‘Muslim Ground’.
The public address of Nagpur South was presided over by Maulana Sa’ad Nadvi. Apart from Maulana Inam-ul-Haque and Maulana Ansar Qasmi, Mufti Maulana Noor Alam, among other chief guests, threw light on the message of the Qur’an. Azhar Khan shed light on unity of followers in the light of Quran.
City president of the Women’s Department, Dr. Sabiha Khan said that the Qur’an addresses the entire humanity. The Muslim community has to follow the orders of the Qur’an to improve their lives. GIO Associate Saima Mustafa presented a poem on “Hamara Hai Mahwer Uski Aqamat”. Razia Sultana expressed her views on the topic “Female Companions and the Holy Quran”. Zahida Ansari presented the preface.

The program was successful with the support of GIO unit president Asma Ansari, Shabnam Parveen, Mushtari Begum, Safia Anjum. Prizes were distributed to the children and women who secured first, second and third place in various public address programs in the competitions organized in connection with “Ruju el-al Qur’an”. A large number of men and women attended the programs.