Responsibilities of Those Who Welcome the Hajis The traffic department should make proper arrangements,Dr. M. A. Rasheed, Nagpur


Responsibilities of Those Who Welcome the Hajis

The traffic department should make proper arrangements.

Dr. M. A. Rasheed, Nagpur

Nagpur: The first batch of Hajj pilgrims is scheduled to arrive at Nagpur airport on July 16 after completing their religious duties in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina Sharif. After a 40-day pilgrimage, the Hajjis are tired and eager to return home. On one hand, their relatives, including children, women, neighbors, and friends, gather in large numbers at the airport to receive them. On the other hand, the Hajjis require rest and comfort at this time. They find it challenging to handle the trolleys of baggage they have brought with them and also fear the possibility of losing or theft.

It is known that approximately 430 pilgrims travel on each flight. If at least 10 people come from each household to receive the Hajjis, a crowd of over four thousand people gathers outside the airport. The administration and the concerned departments have to work hard to control the situation. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to set a good example of cooperation with the officers and staff to ensure a smooth traffic system, without causing hindrances for people traveling on different flights and the city dwellers using the same route.

Maulana Shakirul Akram Falahi, the Imam of Masjid Markaz-e-Islami in Jafar Nagar, suggests that proper arrangements can be made to prevent overcrowding by designating a specific route for bringing the Hajjis, as the department does in special circumstances. Only close relatives of the pilgrims should be allowed to accompany the Hajjis, while others should be stopped outside to control the crowd at the airport. Awareness should be created among the city dwellers to assist the administration, with the help of youth wings, Islamic religious workers, and retired individuals who can support in maintaining the traffic system.

People should park their vehicles properly as parking anywhere when the designated parking lot is full causes inconvenience to everyone. Many problems can be mitigated if the Hajjis are received in the courtyard of their homes to prevent overcrowding. The administration and traffic officials should issue necessary instructions in this regard.

During Hajj meetings and gatherings, the Hajjis are adorned with flower garlands. People meet them, exchange hugs, and the vehicles, streets, neighborhoods, and houses are beautifully decorated to celebrate their worship. Hajj Mubarak placards are displayed everywhere. However, besides the display and unnecessary expenditures, certain slogans and programs can sometimes lead to disturbances during prayers.

While it is permissible to meet and pray for forgiveness when encountering the pilgrims on their return from Hajj, some practices and programs go unnoticed, which are not supported by our beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the Sahaba Kiram. Shari’a regulations should be strictly followed, and care should be taken to avoid any adverse effects on the Hajjis during their welcome. The feeling of self-praise, pride, or a sense of superiority over others, the selfish instincts that arise within the heart, questioning one’s intentions, can undermine the Hajj experience. In this regard, Maulana Mufti Mohammad Sabir, the Imam of Ahbab Mosque, referenced the hadith books of Musnad Ahmad and Mishkat Sharif, stating, “The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam advised to greet and pray for the pilgrim upon meeting them, and before entering their house, to pray for oneself to be cleansed of sins.”