Tobacco cessation Centre is inaugurated by Hon. Civil Surgeon, GeneralHospital, Nagpur.


Nagpur. National tobacco Control program and electrical foundation jointly launched tobacco cessation centre at sub district hospital, Kamptee.
Ill effects of tobacco is explained by Dr. N. B. Rathod and advise not to initiate tobacco consumption. For those who want to quite tobacco consumption
Dr. N. B. Rathod, Civil Surgeon Nagpur addressed the launch event. He addressed in speech tobacco chewers, smokers can come to TCC and will be
counseled, motivated by doctors, counsellor. Dr. Rathod further said that 28.7% are tobacco chewers and smoker as per GATS survey. He further said regarding the implementation of COTPA Act 2003 in Nagpur district as well as tobacco
free institution and school activities.

60-70% people want to quit tobacco but they are not able to quit because of unavailability of platform. Further Dr. Rathod said TCC will be very helpful for
those who want to quit tobacco.
TCC launch event was attended and presided by Dr. Nayana Dhumale,
Medical Superintendent, Sub district Hospital, Kamptee, District Nagpur
introductory speech regarding TCC was given by Dr. Danish Iqbal, Dental Surgeon, DOHO, Nagpur and in his speech he appreciated the work of Bajaj Electrical Foundation towards mankind . On this occasion, anti tobacco street play was performed by interns Doctor of SDH Kamptee. During function Yoga Day was celebrated. Dr. Mane, Dr. Dangore, Dr. Swati, Shri. Dhole , Shri Yogesh, Dr. Chokhandre, Dr. Sachin, Dr. Nishad, Dr. V. Pakdhune, Dr. Amitkumar N. Dhamgaye, Dr. Saher, Shri Yuvraj, Ms. Vanita, Ms. Sonal were present there.